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Chapter 01 - The Marigold

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Chapter 01 - The Marigold Empty Chapter 01 - The Marigold

Post by FrenchBD Sat Jan 31, 2015 11:46 pm

March 17th, 3E19
Reynolds Steelworks
Xassai Spaceport, Aeream, Solus System
10:03 a.m.

Renée Archambault

Xassai is a terrible city. To start off, the food is terrible. If you can get a sandwich, and it moves, you're in the wrong town. Secondly, the main export is steel - which makes everyone here dirty, smelly, and all around rude. Lastly, the politicians here are corrupt. Actually, this is a problem I have with a lot of spaceports, but Xassai is the closest example.

Now you might be wondering what I'm even doing here in the first place. Well, my boss, y'know, Sanguine, told me to come out here and collect payment from Thymus Montessori, the current overseer of Xassai. Well, Thymus doesn't exactly believe in paying debts. Actually, I'm not sure what he believes, but killing the collector is obviously one of them.

So that brings me to the present condition. Me, tied up above a vat of molten steel, while Thymus smokes a cheap cigar in contemplation. He exhales a slow puff of smoke.
"It's kinda sad that I have to kill you. You and I, we could've been something special." I roll my eyes. "Drop her." Thymus orders his men. The winch I'm tied to slowly starts lowering me towards the molten steel. "This is your last chance, Thymus. Sanguine is not someone you can cross easily." I stare daggers at Thymus. This is very uncomfortable.

"I'm not worried about Sanguine. I'm worried about things like you getting in my way. You all make it hard to get reelected." I chuckle noisily. "It seems that you forget it was Sanguine who put you there." Thymus shrugs. "Seemed to me that the people voted for me just fine. Have a nice afterlife, Ms. Archambault." Thymus tosses his cigar on the ground and stomps it out. He turns to leave, and pauses. "Honestly, I thought that Sanguine would send someone... Taller. Make sure to clean this place up good, boys. Don't want to leave a mess for the workers tomorrow."

My boots would probably be on fire right now, if they were normal leather. I chuckle to myself. "You've got it on the head there, Overseer. You should be worried about me in your way." A jet of flames shoots up from the steel, cutting through the chains holding me in place. I land on the steel, standing on the molten surface. It was uncomfortable, sure, but I was prepared for this situation. This wasn't my first time being dipped into steel. "You imbeciles!" Thymus curses at his subordinates. "She's a Pyrtaven!" Some of Thymus's men - likely Ferrtoven - rushed towards me. I snapped my fingers at them, and a wall of flames sprouted up between them and me. "You have two options… Pay your dues to the Masque, or Xassai gets a new overseer."

Thymus cursed at me and stomped on the ground. A column of rock slammed into my face, sending me back a few feet. "How about neither of those… I keep my money, and you become a footnote in the morning news - about an arsonists suicide." I got back to my feet, and dusted myself off. "I prefer my version. It's happier." By now, the fire has spread to the rest of the building, and a scene has gathered outside.

"Looks like we've attracted a crowd." Thymus smirks at me. "Looks like I'd better not disappoint them." "Oh don't worry, you will."I sarcastically smirk at him. He yells and runs towards me, rock forming around his fists like some form of armored glove. I narrowly dodge his first punch, but with his second he connects with my abdomen, sending me flying towards the vat. "So that's how we're going to play this…" I mutter under my breath. "Fine then." I throw my jacket onto the ground, revealing several scars on my forearms. "Round One." I mutter to myself. Thymus gestures my way. "Bring it... Shorty." I glare daggers at the wicked politician. "You're gonna wish you didn't say that..." I lunge towards Thymus, flames shooting from my back to propel me towards him. He raises stone columns in his defense, but I melt right through them. I manage to scorch Thymus's right arm with some of the superheated chunks of stone.

Before the fight can get any further along, Xassai Security swarm the place, equipped with several Arctoven who extinguish the flames. Thymus switches his act.
"Thank the Creator you're here! This woman tried to kill me!" He cried out. The last thing I saw was Thymus's smirk, and the steel fist of a Ferrtoven Enforcer.

The next few days were a blur. I don't remember the details, but I know the sentence. Life, in the Stoftwalt Legion's maximum security prison. They apparently were able to tie me to some of my other jobs.

And so, I was sent under guard on the earliest transport to that system - a retrofitted transport designated as The Marigold. I was told to not talk to anyone, I was not to get a room like the other passengers, and I was to only eat bread and water. Hooray for democracy.

Last edited by FrenchBD on Thu Mar 05, 2015 9:34 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Changed it to match Renee's personality better.)

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Chapter 01 - The Marigold Empty Renée Archambault 002 / Ratek Gucuis 001

Post by FrenchBD Thu Mar 05, 2015 10:08 am

March 20th, 3E19
The Marigold
Solus System
Unknown Time

Renée Archambault

I found out where my final destination is. I am to go to the Capital for judgment. For the crimes of the Crimson Masque as a collective. Basically, I'm probably gonna die. I don't even know what they did in the past, and I'm supposed to answer for their crimes? As can be guessed, saying that I'm blue is an understatement. As far as I know, there is one other prisoner on The Marigold, and it sounds like he has it worse than I do.

Not that I claim to know anything. Every time I pried my guards for information, it always ended before I could finish asking my question, usually with me at the receiving end of the guards boot. Needless to say, I gave up on that a long time ago.

It was just then that I saw something unusual. A modified human, a 'cyborg' if you will, entered the bay from the opposite side. "Ah! Hey you!" I call out across the room. The guard next to me notices instantly, and kicks me in the face.
"No talking to the passengers... How many times do I need to tell you that..."


Ratek Gucuis

Ratek looks over towards the prisoner. "It's perfectly alright, Flovernius. I'm not a passenger, I'm a worker." Ratek walks over to the guard and prisoner. "If you'd like, I can watch her for a while. You can go take a break, get some food." The guard considers Ratek's offer. "Well, I am pretty hungry... I'll be back. Make sure nothing happens, because my job is on the line here..." The guard walks away, considering what he'll get for lunch now that he can go earlier.

Ratek turns his attention back towards the prisoner. "I apologize for Flovernius's behavior. He is, well... A little over zealous perhaps."


Renée Archambault

My eyes glimmered. "Y- You're a cyborg... That's so awesome... I've never met one before..." The cyborg chuckles.
"A cyborg? Can't say people refer to me by that, often. I'm Ratek." I nod. "Ratek, huh? That's a cool name. I'm Renée Archambault." Ratek smiles. "I would shake your hand, but, well, you're a little tied up." "Very funny." "If you don't mind me asking, but... Why would a little girl like you be imprisoned here?"

LITTLE?! I grit my teeth and kick Ratek's shin. Or, I tried to. His legs were solid metal. "I apologize. Honestly, everyone is little to me." I grit my teeth. "If you call me little one more time..." "My mistake. You really are quite tiny, though..."

Last edited by FrenchBD on Thu Mar 05, 2015 1:43 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Chapter 01 - The Marigold Empty Re: Chapter 01 - The Marigold

Post by SomeKindOfSwede Thu Mar 05, 2015 11:59 am

March 12th, 3E19
The Marigold
Solus System
Unknown Time

Calister McCullen

Copper. I taste copper.

Which is good, means I'm alive. Feels cold under my right cheek. There's slight hum and vibration to it, gotta be a ship's bulkhead. Trying to shift myself upright shoots a bolt of pain across my temple and ribs. Arms tied behind my back Okay, so I was roughed up. That's a start. I successfully sit up, brushing aside the pain, and take stock of the surroundings. Cargo containers are everywhere and are every size, lighting is low and shadows are heavy-cargo hold. On a freighter? Pirates wouldn't risk bring slaves onto a commercial cargo ship. It's gotta be someone else. Some private operators that would profit from taking a single target....

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Chapter 01 - The Marigold Empty Renée Archambault 003

Post by FrenchBD Thu Mar 05, 2015 2:03 pm

March 20th, 3E19
The Marigold
Solus System
Unknown Time

The guard hears Calister stirring behind him. "It's about time you woke up. We were starting to think that they roughed you up too much." The guard crouches down before Calister. "Still, to think you took down eleven of our men... And then put another dozen in the hospital... You're somethin' else... Well, come on then. I was instructed to take you out with the other prisoner once you wake up. You two are gonna spend a lot of time with each other here on out." The guard pulls Calister up to his feet and shoves him along.

The mostly sided small talk continues for a few minutes, before Calister is led to the storage bay. "Oi, you! Gucius, innit? Where'd Flovernius shove off to, eh?"


Renée Archambault

"My apologies, Mister -" "That's LIEUTENANT." "Yes, Lieutenant Moreaux. I told Flovernius to take a break, and I would watch the prisoner." "You what?! That fool... I'll wring him up when I get my hands on him... Get out of here, ya rusty tin can!" Ratek shrugs. "Oh well. It was nice talking to you, Ms. Archambault." Ratek lumbers away towards the engine room.

Moraux grumbles to himself as he fastens Calister to the wall across from Renée. "You two play nice... I've got to go find that idiot..."

((Alright, quick description here. Right now, Calister and Renée are both chained up, in a little cell like enclosure off the side of the bay. The door is locked tight, and they are both chained to opposite walls. They can move around, but it is difficult to do so, and they cannot make it to the opposite side of the room. The only light in the room is a simple bulb hanging from the ceiling. Also, the manacles around them limits their abilities. Example being, where Renée could make up a great flame, the most she can conjure now is the equivalent of a lighter. Alright, back to the story.))

Renée looks across at Calister. "So. Looks like we'll be roommates for a while..."

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Chapter 01 - The Marigold Empty Re: Chapter 01 - The Marigold

Post by The Savage ED Thu Mar 05, 2015 6:41 pm

Jerome shifted slightly in his garb. This Guard outfit was a bit tight on him. He didn't like how it rested in some areas. He grunted as he looked up and noticed the other guards walking too and fro through the hallway. He sighed and continued to stand watch. Apparently behind him in the Cargo hold where two high value prisoners, and normally they don't let rookie guards, like himself, stand post. I guess they don't care too much about them then, or me for that matter... He mused. Jerome looked at his sidearm for the fiftieth time and looked back down the hallway. He Didn't mind this at all, but sometimes he missed what he once had when he was aligned with the Heralds, in an odd sort of way.

Jerome was approached by another Guard. "You're turn on the inside." the guard motioned him into the cargo hold.
The Savage ED
The Savage ED

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Chapter 01 - The Marigold Empty Re: Chapter 01 - The Marigold

Post by SomeKindOfSwede Thu Mar 05, 2015 9:08 pm

After Cal and this Renee girl got moved into the closet-cell, it got real warm and cozy in that tiny space. She must be of the Firestarter-race. Explains the heat...Cal thought to himself. He didn't like the heat. Reminded him of the foundry he worked in before these fools bashed him over the head for Creator knows what.

The girl on the opposite wall tried to make small talk. "So. Looks like we'll be roommates for awhile..."

Ignoring her, he glanced at the shackles. They had a very faint glow to them, and he could make out runes. He always sucked at reading ancient texts, but he didn't need to read them to know they were Magika-cancelling. These jokers weren't fooling around.

At that moment the door opened, and a dark silhouette entered the room. Some guard flunkie to keep an eye on them. Great. This just keeps getting better. The door shut behind the guard, and took his post leaning against the wall, to the left of the door. Calister's side of the room, too. He had a plan in mind to escape, all he needed was for the Pyro to start talking again...

"So look a little uncomfortable, there."

Bingo. Cal's ticket. Yeah, keep chatting away. Do it. If we get out of this I might not leave you here, if you don't screw this up for me... Calister started to mumble an incantation, a pain in the butt one too, very long and tricky to pronounce in some areas. His father taught it to him when he was little, and stressed the importance to remember it always. Now he understood why. To get out from jams like he was currently in. He mumbled faster, with eyes on the guard...

"Excuse me?" The guard looked miffed. Offended?

"I'm sorry, it just....looks like you got your threads one size too small."The girl chuckled. The guard was not amused at this. "Well, when you're fresh meat like me, you don't really have the luxury to have one tailored to your build, Miss. Now be quiet, please. I'd rather not be berated by my betters, and I doubt you want to be roughed up any further."

"Oh I'll be fine. It's dark and broody over there you might want to be concerned with."She motioned over to me. Perfect timing. Tha-nk you, Flame-licker.

"...ras nuet tok veel spruttach, VADEL BLOT DAS NAUGT!" Finally. That last bit was hard. With the last syllable I said, black shadow poured from the corners in the dark room and converged on the shackles. That was the biggest mistake these idiots could've made. Putting me in the safety of my own element...Heh.

CRACK. "What?! How..?!" The guard in the corner looked so confused. And didn't he say he was a rookie? This will be sooooo easy.

The tendrils of shadows snapped the metal off his wrists as if they were dried timber, the Shadow-Caster dropped to all fours, and leaped from that position towards the guard, ready to kill. "Get READY, FOOOoooowuh?!"

The 'fresh-meat' as he had claimed had dashed underneath Cal just as jumped, and simultaneously grabbed the boy's collar, pulled downward and launched a vicious uppercut punch up into his stomach. Which made him somersault over the guard and land flat on his back.

He had him. This guy was a rookie. He had him. So why didn't he?? Calister gasped for breath, that punch not only knocked the wind out of him but reminded him he had three broken ribs. Spots dotted his vision for a literal second, and then the guard's knee came down on his throat, further depriving him of air.

"You really are that valuable, huh?"

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Chapter 01 - The Marigold Empty Renée Archambault 004

Post by FrenchBD Fri Mar 06, 2015 6:01 pm

March 20th, 3E19
The Marigold
Solus System
Unknown Time

Renée Archambault

I will admit, I was a little stunned when the guy across from me broke the material. That being said, I thought I recognized him before.

"This day gets better, and better..." I mumble to myself. "So you're Calister? The 'Black Reaper'?" With the enchantments broken on the manacles, I easily melt through them. "You've meddled with our affairs for far too long, and, well, Sanguine will be most pleased to learn that you've been dealt with. Who knows? Maybe I'll get a promotion." I storm over to Calister's side, my footsteps leaving burn marks on the ground. "Move, guard! He's mine to deal with! Unless of course you want 3rd Degree Burns..."

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Chapter 01 - The Marigold Empty Re: Chapter 01 - The Marigold

Post by The Savage ED Sat Mar 07, 2015 8:39 am

Jerome pushed his knee deeper into Calister's throat. He recognized the name of him and smirked. He heard movement from the door way and looked up and notice one of the guards coming in, about to draw his side arm.

"That would not be a wise move" he said, as he eased up his knee from Calister's throat and then raised his hands to show no harm was done. "We had a slight.... altercation. But it's been dealt with. They just had a simple disagreement." he said in hopes to ward off the guard.
He was playing with a very hot fire here. If the guard shot, it would alarm the other guards and he'd be forced to show who he truely was, which would do no one any good, if the gaurd yeilded, he could remain incognito. Jerome smiled and got himself completely off of Calister.
"Now, next time when a lady says to stop doing something, please do so." He said as he started to head towards a nearby view port. The other guard yeilded and returned to his post. Jerome left the two be as he stared out into the void.
The Savage ED
The Savage ED

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Chapter 01 - The Marigold Empty Renée Archambault 005

Post by FrenchBD Sun Mar 08, 2015 10:43 pm

March 20th, 3E19
The Marigold
Solus System
Unknown Time

Renée Archambault

I grit my teeth in a smirk. "Didn't quite think that'd actually work..." I plant my boot on Calister's left hand, looking down onto him. "I have to say, Cal... Can I call you Cal? It's no matter, I'll make this quick. You're not quite what I thought you'd be. I heard you were better looking. And that you smell better.." I get off of Calister's hand and step back. "At any rate, it is disrespectful for me to kick you while you're down, so to speak. So make this easier on me, and stand up. That way I can knock you back down again." That's partially true. It's mostly because I can't pick him up, he's too tall.

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Chapter 01 - The Marigold Empty Re: Chapter 01 - The Marigold

Post by SomeKindOfSwede Mon Mar 09, 2015 10:30 pm

Calister McCullen

Vision blurred and air still returning to his lungs, Cal picked himself off the cold bulkhead floor and coughed, "...What? A little Cinder like you...take me down? I must be going crazy, imagining the unimaginable..." He grabbed the little runt by her shirt collar and held his other hand up, black and purple light glowing at his finger tips. "Try me, little Cinder." Cal sneered. He wasn't inherently evil, he just liked putting others in their places.

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Chapter 01 - The Marigold Empty Re: Chapter 01 - The Marigold

Post by FrenchBD Mon Mar 09, 2015 10:46 pm

Renée Archambault

I chuckled, mildly irritated at that statement. "A little cinder, huh?" I put my hands on Calister's arms, and then swiftly ignites my hands. "Don't you know? Even a little cinder can burn a city to the ground..." I grab a nearby coil of rope and hold it in one hand. "If a cinder can burn down a city, than I'm more than capable of mopping the floor with you." As I'm talking, I tie one end of the rope to my arm, firmly grasping it. I snap the rope coil like a whip, and it quickly ignites into a bright red flame. ((It's hot to the touch, but not a burning flame, to explain why the rope can be on fire.))

"Now then... Let's get things started!" I swing the flaming rope low, towards Calister's feet in hopes of him tripping.

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Chapter 01 - The Marigold Empty Re: Chapter 01 - The Marigold

Post by SomeKindOfSwede Mon Mar 23, 2015 10:38 pm


Cal tried to keep the girl's whip-hand in view while he side stepped to the right. He didn't doubt it would hurt like the dickens...but he'd gone through alot worse. And fought off much bigger opponents before. Heck, most half a foot taller than he. This child barely came up to his shoulders.

Anyways, Cal was taking into account what was in the room with them as he was trying to keep from getting burn-slashed. There was some sort of bundle in the back of the room, opposite the door leading in. A tangle of thick metal and light covered cords, as his inspected further. Looks important. And might be his ticket out of this box he was in.

He sidestepped his way around the room, watching Renee and positioned himself in front of the bundle. Waiting.


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Chapter 01 - The Marigold Empty Re: Chapter 01 - The Marigold

Post by FrenchBD Mon Mar 23, 2015 11:23 pm

This wasn't right. Calister wasn't fighting back, yet. I must have scared him, for sure. "Come on, Inkspot! At least make this an interesting fight!" I lash the whip out towards Calister.

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Chapter 01 - The Marigold Empty Re: Chapter 01 - The Marigold

Post by SomeKindOfSwede Wed Apr 01, 2015 9:53 pm the whip lanced in a downward arc, Calister's careful eye watching it drop, he dashed to the side, missing it by a mere half-second. At the same time, he had coiled a small particle of dark energy around his left hand, middle finger, and flicked the finger at Renee like he was flicking the forehead of an annoying bully. He knew the amount he had collected wasn't enough to cause any real damage (he didn't intend to), he just wanted an ample distraction.

And that was what he got.

His Void-bullet hurling itself at Renee's forehead, her whip coming into contact with the power cables behind him. The sheer heat and explosion caused from her whip melted right through the bundle...causing the whole rig they were riding on to lurch and dull vibrations were heard deep...above them??

High above where our current group is, a form stirs in his cluttered and machine-infested tech-shop. The plaque above the door is a dull, burnished metal and reads "Head Mechanist" in the low light.

Alarm klaxons start to chirp, and the large display in front of the unknown man lights up, showing a sudden issue. The man lifts his head from his desk and whips the sleep from his eyes. He straightens the goggles resting in his messy, golden hair. "....Whasat? The screen is a status-display of the ship's current readings. The main coolant power line is flashing a bright red. "Oh fu.." "Mr. O'Donnell, remember our agreement?No swearing." A small data pad beside him with a raspy, metallic voice speaks. O'Donnell is now frantically typing away at the keybox in front of him, none of his commands are working. "I don't know Pine, a sudden engine core overheat and super nova-explosion might warrant a few curses here and there! Nothing's working, come on!! We gotta go divert power flow from the main passenger deck back down to the coolant deck. What the heck happened?" O'Donnell grabbed the data pad and shoved it into his oil-smeared overalls, grabbing his tool pack and running for the freight elevator down the hall. "I'm not sure of the cause, but it originated on the cargo deck, Bay D."


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Chapter 01 - The Marigold Empty Re: Chapter 01 - The Marigold

Post by FrenchBD Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:08 pm

The sheer force of the reaction sent me flying back towards a crate, breaking it and, most likely, a rib. A faint metallic taste seeps into my mouth. I grit my teeth as I stand back up. "Huh... Didn't see that one coming..." I rub my hands together, creating friction as I do so - this causes my hands to burst into flames. "I guess I should've been more prepared - I didn't think you were smart enough to do that. My apologies."

I lob a few (three, to be exact) fireballs at my opponent, the air around me starting to heat up. I'm sure that the sensors have to be picking up some crazy readings in here, but that doesn't matter. I glance over my shoulder at the bystanding Guard. Something still didn't feel right about him... I brush past it and refocus my gaze on Calister. The air within a five foot radius of me is now swelteringly hot. I smirk slightly, waiting for his next move.


Alarms buzzed to Ratek's right. His eyes scanned it briefly. He chuckled. "A heat spike in D? There's no way that can be right..." His mind raced back to the lady from earlier - the prisoner. "Oh, by the Creator... Ratek stormed up towards Bay D, readying himself to deal with the problem.

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Chapter 01 - The Marigold Empty Re: Chapter 01 - The Marigold

Post by The Savage ED Thu Apr 16, 2015 7:45 pm

Jerome stood still watching out the view port. Something didn't sit right with the stars out there. He thought to himself as he felt the battle rage behind him, however, once the alarms started to blare out, he knew it was time to do something. He sighed and turned around looking at the two prisoners duke it out in the Cargo hold... Well at this point, what was left of it.

He sighed again and prepared to ready his Lucoven powers to cause a blinding flash to safely subdue his query: the two fighting. He was surprised that the other guards outside the door didn't try to enter the fray, A saving grace more then anything.

He saw what damage to two had done now and stretched out his hands and sent out a massive wave of light out towards the two. Hoping this would work, he brought his hands together into a clap, and made sure no decided to try and enter.

Behind him however, space rippled and caused the stars to blink. He felt something change, something move. He frowned as he looked back out the view port and saw what he feared most.

"Ok you two. That's enough, we got something much worse to deal with!"
The Savage ED
The Savage ED

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Chapter 01 - The Marigold Empty Re: Chapter 01 - The Marigold

Post by FrenchBD Thu Apr 16, 2015 8:50 pm

I paused after hearing the guard's... No, the Lucoven's words. I smirked, bringing my temperature back to normal. "You got lucky, Inkspot."

I walk over to the view port. "So what is it? Is it my ride, because, if so, Lightbulb, I can get you out of here, but... Inky's gotta stay." I turn to Calister. "Sorry."


Ratek carefully crept into the hanger, seeing the massive damage done to some of the cargo. "What in the..." He glares at Renee. "You! What in the... What happened here?!" Renee smiles. "Yay! It's you! Well, you see... The other prisoner attacked me... And I swear that all the stuff I did was in self defense.

Ratek scowls, storming over to Calister and picking him up by his shirt. "You did this... Why?"

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Chapter 01 - The Marigold Empty Re: Chapter 01 - The Marigold

Post by SomeKindOfSwede Mon Apr 27, 2015 7:03 pm

More thugs. Great.

"She was breathin' my air. Like what you're doin' right now. How about you put me down and we discuss things?" Cal wasn't going to wait long for this guy to think it through. He grabbed the tall man by his shirt collar and headbutted him straight and true, sent him reeling into the bulkhead....

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Chapter 01 - The Marigold Empty Re: Chapter 01 - The Marigold

Post by SomeKindOfSwede Wed Apr 29, 2015 12:50 pm

As he was running through the darkened halls of the freighter, O'Donnell's thoughts were racing at lightspeed. (this could be an attack. seriously! the line that is currently in the red is vital, essential to the main engine core. to keep this tub 'in the air'. but who?? sure, this is a decommissioned war vessel, but there's no live there? i checked the cargo and reserve manifest, right? right??) His pace was slower now, but his heart rate didn't calm down. He was having another panic attack, and he just remembered that he didn't grab his med-satchel. Still in his office. He knew. The last attack was pretty bad, this time...

"Levi, calm down. You have been doing good with keeping your pulse in check and your thoughts clear lately, but we have not had a major disaster in awhile." Pine chirped in his earpiece. Levi built and programmed the small A.I. mainly as a task-manager, but he eventually updated him with minor subroutines to help keep his health in check and help with his self-esteem issues. 'Minor', indeed. "However, I have calculated 982 trial and error scenarios similar to our current one, and we are successful at least 543 of the 982 times. You'll be fine."

"Thanks Pine." Hearing something reasonable as a computer coming up with his success rate put him at ease. Levi had a brilliant mind, and that's why he was at the head of Engineering class at his university. He had taken this engineering job aboard this freighter to pay for school, and to get his required time in. He was four and half months in. He had two weeks left. He could do this.

With all the thinking, he hadn't noticed that he was at the sealed cargo door leading into Bay D. And he also hadn't noticed the dark forms lurking in the shadows at the other end of the hallway, waiting for someone to come open the door....

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Chapter 01 - The Marigold Empty Re: Chapter 01 - The Marigold

Post by FrenchBD Tue May 26, 2015 2:36 pm

What is a GM post? It's a post that the GM does to get things moving. In it, they can control any character and it is solely to further the story.

The Bridge of the Marigold

The bridge of the Marigold was a busy place. Nothing but chatter as the pilots and flight officers check, recheck, and occasionally re-recheck their heading, making adjustments as needs be - made even more so noisy what with the brawl going on in the cargo hold. I brushed some lint off of my uniform, making sure that it was crisp and clean - can't have any wrinkles at all. I polished my nametag - "Flight Lt. Mikah Veels". A fitting name, I thought to myself. Whistling a catchy tune - one I've known since I was a child - I pushed the corpse of Mr. Veels into the closet. No one will be needing him anymore, now that I am him.

I make sure that I have all my belongings, my pass card, my officers hat, and even the package I have been instructed to deliver to the busy Captain. Content, I make my way into the bridge with my shiny pass card and approach the Captain. "Veels? I assume it's something important - if not, I advise you to get back to work before you're out of a job. Things are getting a little hectic here, and Taylor reported an anomaly on the radar. I smirk contently. "Oh, do not worry Captain, I will be quick. Before anyone can react, I pulled out the "package", an enchanted revolver, one that is completely silent, and began dispatching the crew.

The pilot, a Ventaven, quite literally jetted out the door and past me. Not to worry, I will catch him. With everyone on the bridge taken care of, I calmly walk over to the communications panel and manually enter a frequency that'll allow me to contact the "anomaly". "I'm assuming you were successful." "When am I not?" "Careful - this self assurant attitude of yours will be your downfall. "Hardly. You've been cleared for docking at any bay. As for me... I will begin the next phase of our plan - tracking down this Apostle. "And when he is dead, you shall take his place. "Indeed. Long live the Order." "Long live the Order.

The channel went silent. I chuckled at the concept of it all - me, an experiment gone wrong, to become the new Apostle?

I chuckle to myself, scanning the corpses in the room. Finding the recently deceased Captain, I pull a long spiked tube out from my shirt. "Sorry about this." I say, jabbing it into the corpses' side. Grimacing, I feel my bones realign to match the Captain's physique and frame. Within a few short seconds, I became the Captain. "How about that for a promotion, huh?" I say to no one in particular. Shrugging, I leave the room. I have an Apostle to slay.

Posts : 41
Join date : 2014-11-19
Age : 27
Location : Thompson's Station, TN

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Chapter 01 - The Marigold Empty Re: Chapter 01 - The Marigold

Post by The Savage ED Fri Jul 24, 2015 5:16 pm

Jerome looked back again at the three of them and called out "ENOUGH!" He shook his head at them and made for the door. "We need to get this rig moving now, that Vessel isn't here to save any of us." he looked back to Renee "Sorry, but if we are going to make it out of here, we sadly got to work together."

He addressed all of them. "Now, That is a Herald Ship, The Captain of That vessel is more than likely after someone on here, and he will Murder anyone who stands in his way. We can not take him or any of his crew on. We will die." He said as he checked his Comms for any other guards calling out. Nothing. "They are luckily too prideful to try to slip someone on board stealthily." He said in a reassuring tone, he hoped they didn't try to make contact with the bridge, the Captain of the Herald ship could be another apostle, and he could be very persuasive to the Captain of this ship.

"We maybe too late..." Jerome muttered to himself, before talking back to them again. "We need to get to my room, My gear is there." He didn't even check to see if they were following him. "Head to the bridge, take it over. We are leaving this system now. I assume one of you at least knows how to hide our tracks when we leave." He ran through the halls, calling forth some of his enhanced light powers to speed down the halls. Being an Apostle had some perks, and Renegade or not, He was still one of the most powerful person, if not the most powerful, on this Tub.

Moments later, he was in his room. Equipping his weapons, Apostle Robes, and Armor, he strode out of the room. He almost glistened of the sun as he made his way back to the bridge. as he walked, his feet barely made a sound as his Herald combat boots made contact with the metal. His shin-length robes flowed gently as he powered through the halls, his helmet came to life with warnings and health and other important information as he checked his Hand Cannon. His armor rattled and clanked softly against his duffel full of his other important effects, as he began to sprint down the halls Prayerful not to run into anyone on his way, he'd hate to have to blind them.
The Savage ED
The Savage ED

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Age : 31
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Chapter 01 - The Marigold Empty Re: Chapter 01 - The Marigold

Post by FrenchBD Thu Aug 06, 2015 11:00 pm


After Jerome left, I turned to Calister. "Well then... Look's like we'll have to play nice for now." I shrugged. "It's not a problem, I suppose. Just one, little, unarmed transport ship against a big… Very well armed ship… With probably an army of batty religious lunatics on it…" Ratek let out a low whistle. "Well… When you put it like that..." The cyborg shrugged. "I think we can do it. We just need to do what he said, get to the bridge, and the Captain can s-" "No!" I shouted. "There's something off about him… I don't like it. Think about it… He knew why they were here. The only way he could've known that is if he works for them." Ratek sighed. "So, what would you have us do instead?"

I smirked deviously. "Oh, don't worry. I have a plan."


The Captain?

Ventaven are fast. Too fast. It wasn't long before he gave me the slip. "Pah. He'll get what's coming to him..." The Pilot was only a distraction. Not a complication - just sport. He'll get what's coming to him.

I checked my gear - of course, I was still disguised as the Captain - but that didn't mean I couldn't use my own effects. I had several charges at my disposal - some were lethal, some weren't… It didn't matter, they usually didn't survive it. In addition, I have my silenced revolver, and of course, my last resort. It cost a pretty penny, but I managed to acquire an ancient blade used by the Mechanists, one that would heat up to exactly 1,243 degrees. Essentially, it could cut through almost anything.

That Apostle didn't stand a chance.



The lady was mad. "That is completely idiotic. It cannot work - it WON'T work." Renée let out an irritated sigh. "Oh, yes, and how would you know?" "Even if we attempted that… There's only a 12% chance it could work." "That sounds like reasonable odds to me." "Of course it would, because you're daft." "All I said was that we -" "I know what you said, Miss. You said we should board their ship before they board ours, and destroy it from the inside." Renée nodded. "That's right." "No! I groaned. "No it isn't! That's a one way trip, and even then, who knows what's on that thing? I say we do what we were told. We go to the bridge, and wait it out. The Captain can help, and -" "The Captain?" Renée laughed. "That's the least desirable option." "And I suppose the only option you'd like is the one where you get away?" "That would be preferable, yes." I sighed, and rubbed my forehead. "Miss, you are something else… Fine. We'll do your crazy plan. We'll probably die either way."

Posts : 41
Join date : 2014-11-19
Age : 27
Location : Thompson's Station, TN

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Chapter 01 - The Marigold Empty Re: Chapter 01 - The Marigold

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